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 Give a Life

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Elite Contibutor
Elite Contibutor

Male Number of posts : 639
Age : 57
Registration date : 2007-07-26

Give a Life Empty
PostSubject: Give a Life   Give a Life Icon_minitimeMon Aug 06, 2007 11:32 am

Give A
Life children's charity, for the under-privileged sick and
dying in the Philippines.

of Manila's largest pediatric wards need your help. Your donations will provide
life saving medicine and equipment for children from the
poorest families in the Philippines.

The Give A Life
Foundation, ensures that 100 % of your gifts go to help
sick children in the pediatric wards of Luzon and the
Philippines !

Our primary
goal is to replace and upgrade the equipment used in these
wards. We have also created a new, cost effective and
efficient systems for access to medicines, antibiotics,
cancer drugs, medical supplies, disinfectants and soaps
for the very poorest cases.


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